Owner: Jamey Joseph
Income: unemployed
Location: Moreson Robertson, Western Cape
CVC: John Moore CVC
Alexa has already had a litter of puppies and her owner does not want her to fall pregnant again. Alexa belongs to a single parent family with three children in the home who are still at school. Money is tight and they asked to please help sterilize Alexa.
Dog sterilisation
R550.00 / $35.00 / €30.00
How to donate
Fill in the form below and pay via your credit card.
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Your donation is tax-deductible? For you 18A Tax Certificate, please email us at cvcmanager@sava.co.za.
Please include the following in the email:
- Date of payment
- Amount
- Reference used for payment (7329)
- Your name
- Address
- Contact number