CVC Clinics

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Showing 1 to 5 of 38 CVC clinics

Atlantis CVC

Principal Vet    Dr Jennifer Deverson Operates in    Western Cape

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The Atlantis CVC is the community clinic branch of The Village Vet. We opened in October 2016 and offer vaccinations and basic veterinary treatments from a consulting room in Atlantis. We work closely with a number of welfare organisations within the Atlantis, Mamre and Pella area and do mass sterilisations, client education programmes and vaccination clinics in conjunction with these welfares. We also offer reduced rate sterilisations to other residents in the area which are done at the main clinic in Darling.

The area that we work in has not ever had access to comprehensive veterinary services, so the demand is high. We often see 30 or more dogs and cats in a 2 hour consult session!! In the time that we’ve been working in Atlantis we’ve certainly seen a change in attitude towards animal welfare and the community is embracing the idea of vaccinations and sterilisations. For more information, please contact us on 021 572 0402.

Atlantis CVC Principal Vet
Atlantis CVC Photo 1
Atlantis CVC Photo 2

Augrabies CVC

Principal Vet    Dr Lategan Operates in    Northern Cape

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The Augrabies CVC is focused on helping pets in Augrabies and its surrounds in the Northern Cape. Some of the biggest hurdles we face are educating the community on the importance of vaccinations, proactive pest control, and sterilizing pets to avoid unwanted pregnancies. Dr. Lategan is the principal veterinarian, and he is assisted by Dr. Nolte and a volunteer, Sandy Youngkrantz.

Augrabies CVC Principal Vet
Augrabies CVC Photo 1
Augrabies CVC Photo 2

Avontuur CVC

Principal Vet    Dr Lizahn Venter Operates in    North West

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Avontuur CVC is the community clinic branch of Avontuur Veterinary Services, a veterinary practice based in Zeerust, North West. Zeerust and its surrounding communities haven’t had access to comprehensive veterinary care for a long time. Therefore, there is a huge demand for basic veterinary services, especially at reduced rates. Our main focus is on vaccinations, sterilisations and educating the communities on basic animal welfare. We also work closely together with the local animal welfare organisations that assist with following up on cases and education.
For more information, please contact us on 018 061 0021 or

Avontuur CVC Principal Vet
Avontuur CVC Photo 1
Avontuur CVC Photo 2

Bitou CVC

Principal Vet    Dr Bert van Reenen Operates in    Western Cape

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Bitou CVC in Plettenberg Bay has been in operation since 2005 and their main aims are Vaccination/Sterilization and Education.

A dipping program was started by Marele and Tanya at their premises in the industrial area and this has grown beyond expectations. Vaccination and deworming is also done and kids are only given food for their dogs if the animals are vaccinated and sterilised. We sometimes see up to 80 dogs on a Saturday morning and have given talks at various local schools under the Mercantile Fund program. These talks are conducted by Vet Nurse Tina van Reenen (Dip Cur Anim) and the talks are followed by pens and “How to Care for your Dog” CVC booklets sponsored by Mercantile Bank as well as crayons and biscuits made by one of the volunteers.

Sterilizations and vaccinations are done in all the townships around Plettenberg Bay – with help from volunteer ladies. Contributions are collected from the owners to avoid entitlement syndrome and our vehicle collects and drops off the patients weekly. We also work closely with Plett Animal Welfare and have a very good working relationship with them.

Dr Bert van Reenen from Marineway animal Hospital is the responsible veterinarian for the Bitou CVC which funds all of the above operations.

Bitou CVC Principal Vet
Bitou CVC Photo 1
Bitou CVC Photo 2

Bizana CVC

Principal Vet    Dr Rissa Parker Operates in    Eastern Cape

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My assistant, Xolile Ngesi, who has been with me since 2001, comes from the Bizana area in the Eastern Cape and has wanted to help the ponies in the area for a long time. As he has seen the benefits of vaccinating against AHS he has been asking that I help try to prevent the large number of deaths they have in the area from AHS outbreaks. Many of the owners we meet ask about the sickness which makes the horses’ “heads swell , foam from their noses and then they die”.

Bizana is located 70km inland from Port Edward heading towards Kokstad in beautiful country! There are hundreds of horses/ponies in the area, as they are the main mode of transport. A number of horses are also used for “ceremonies” or ”racing”, and often arrive in beautiful ornate tack. Often many of the owners and young children ride across country, sometimes for 2 hours, to meet us with their ponies to be vaccinated.

Xolile has successfully networked with his connections so that we have various meeting points spread over about 100km radius. As the word has spread so too have the number of ponies being brought in for vaccinating, and new areas need to be visited. It is also so rewarding to see horses we have treated for various ailments recovering.

Once we have done the vet work we open our charity “shop” from our trailer. This is the selling of old tack collected from our clients. We keep the prices very low so all the ponies benefit from what we take. This money goes towards the drugs and cost of running the trips and will make sure the project remains sustainable.

The ponies are generally in super condition and well looked after. A small percentage is not and most of the injuries result from poorly fitting saddles, of which there are few as most of the owners ride bare-back. The owners always ask us to help treat their horses and it is refreshing when cost is NEVER their main concern.

There are many, many more areas like this around South Africa which we as private practitioners could reach. The important part is to make it sustainable financially and have someone from the area working with you and the local people co-ordinating the work. Records (passports) are also essential to ensure horses get both vaccines.

Bizana CVC Principal Vet
Bizana CVC Photo 1
Bizana CVC Photo 2
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