CVC Clinics
Rooikoppies CVC
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Rooikoppies Vet is a primary health care clinic that has been in operation since 2018. Our primary focus is on sterilization, primary health care and education.
We are based in Gauteng and service a vast number of underprivileged areas as well as welfare centers all over Gauteng.
Due to the large numbers of people in the numerous underprivileged areas in Gauteng there is a huge demand for affordable veterinary care. We have been part of numerous mass sterilization projects which have all be hugely successful.

Sedgefield CVC
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Knysna Veterinary Clinic is proud to have opened their second CVC clinic to offer services to our local Sedgefield communities, mainly the Smutsville area. We have partnered with Sedgefield Animal Matters, a non-profit in the area to provide care in the form of vaccinations, ecto- and endo- parasitic treatments and any basic veterinary healthcare needed.
Every Friday is spay day at the clinic, and together with a volunteer team which includes Dr Frank De Groot and Sr Jean De Groot we sterilise a number of cats and dogs. Being the only providers of this service in the area, the need is great and hard work is given to try and control the population, educate owners and look after unwanted or uncared for animals. Thankfully we encounter many loving owners who try and provide the best for their pets.

Siya Ncedisa CVC
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Siya Ncedisa CVC is focused on helping pets in The Buffalo City Metropolitan area. With the closure of both the East London SPCA clinic and The King William’s Town SPCA clinic, there is limited access to primary veterinary health care for the lower income residents of BCM. Siya Ncedisa CVC is focused on sterilization and vaccination (particularly rabies vaccination as there is a severe rabies outbreak in the metropole). Dr. Nicky Webb is the principal, and she is assisted by Ms. Ziyanda Ondala

Steynsburg CVC
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Steynsburg Animal Hospital is a rural practice specialising in Small Ruminant herd health. However, we serve all clients and deal with all species. Our team have ties with livestock and pet owners in the local community and serve them on a no-fee basis. We also support a few village farmers in Idutywa. We excel in caring and compassion, not only towards our patients
but also for our community and our team.

The Big and Small Animal CVC
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This CVC is based in Rispark, South of Johannesburg and is operated by Dr Caryn Rademeyer
The Big: working with local equine welfare organisations, a comprehensive equine veterinary service is rendered to the hard working township horses and donkeys. A wide variety of cases are seen and treated such as: harness wounds, abscesses, plastic ingested colics, potato skin poisoning and traumatic wounds often as a result of being hit by a car. Donkey gelding outreach clinics are regularly done in far outlying rural regions where there is no veterinary assistance to the local communities.
The Small: assisting two different local organisations with weekly outreach sterilisation days, many owners are able to get their pet sterilised. A much needed and appreciated dental clinic has also been added to the outreach services.
Education days: regular, practical equine orientated education days are run at the local welfare organisations.
Day courses offered:
● Owner Equine First Aid course;
● UNISA Animal Welfare Assistant practical equine course;
● High School Equine Value Added days – for scholars wishing to apply to Onderstepoort
● Final Year Equine Welfare practical day – for fourth and final year vet students to get practical hands on exposure to equine welfare work.